Internet Archive Book Talk on Digital Copyright

A free, online, open event from the Internet Archive. Tune in to listen to Brewter Kahle’s conversation with professor of law Jessica Litman, author of Digital Copyright:

When: 2023-04-20T17:00:00Z2023-04-20T18:00:00Z
How to Participate: Register for Free

In Digital Copyright , law professor Jessica Litman questions whether copyright laws crafted by lawyers and their lobbyists really make sense for the vast majority of us. Should every interaction between ordinary consumers and copyright-protected works be restricted by law? Is it practical to enforce such laws, or expect consumers to obey them? What are the effects of such laws on the exchange of information in a free society?

Published by: Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library, 2017.
Licensed: Creative Commons CC BY-NC

Who’s interested? I’m going! If you attend, please share any highlights!

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