Session Description
Participants are invited to learn from student panelists how they can support educators with design-driven open pedagogical / educational practices.
The need for proactive student input in the design and operation of higher education systems (that exist to serve students) has never been more important during this era of remote teaching and learning. Students will discuss the value of being engaged as a co-creator of education, using principles of student-experience-design.
The eCampusOntario SXD Lab actively engages learners in design-oriented processes (through work-integrated learning opportunities) to support the development and/or optimization of educational materials and experiences. Paying special attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion, panelists will highlight the need for proactive student input for open pedagogy and open education.
JOIN the Keynote November 18, 9am Toronto-Ontario, Canada (GMT-4)
Meet the Panel
Malek Abou-Rabia, Laurentian University
Ali Kazmi, University of Toronto
Brad Dalgleish, University of Toronto
Simal Gormus, Centennial College
Moderator: Chris Fernlund, Manager, Student Supports at eCampusOntario