Keynote: Teemu Ropponen, MyData - human centric ethical approaches to open data

Teemu Ropponen, Finland, MyData Global

Session Description
In this keynote, Teemu will describe how MyData Global empowers people to get value from their data and control how it is used while at the same time enabling organizations to make ethical use of this data. With a human centric approach that puts individuals in control, MyData Global envisions a fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society, where the sharing of personal data is based on trust as well as balanced relationship between individuals and organisations. Teemu will outline the principles which underlie this approach and how they bridge and balance data protection with openness.

As a specific example of this approach Teemu will share the work being done related to the European strategy for data which identifies a need for high-quality data for qualifications, learning opportunities, jobs, and skill sets. In partnership with others MyData is working to address this through a human-centric approach to data, work and learning.

A holistic approach based on MyData would enable a person to:

  1. Have all their skills and work information as well as data accessible from different sources (e.g., their schools, licences, employers) for their own use and for sharing with relevant parties (such as employers, educational institutions, etc.);
  2. Reduce the steps to explore, find and apply for educational programs and jobs by automating many of the steps;
  3. Receive recommendations on educational programs and jobs according to their profile.

To make this happen, MyData Global is calling for partners from different areas to join the skills data ecosystem: governments, educators, employers, service providers, legislators as well as technology users and business experts.

Join Teemu in exploring the future of work and skills and the many insights that have emerged from MyData Global efforts to build a human centric skills data space so far.

Join the Keynote Monday November 16, 9am Delft, Netherlands (GMT+2)

Meet the Keynote
Teemu Ropponen is the General Manager of MyData Global, an award-winning international nonprofit. MyData Global, which has just recently formalised into a nonprofit, already has over 600 members, including over 90 organisations, from over 40 countries on six continents. We facilitate the 2000+ strong MyData Global community around the ethical use of personal data. Teemu’s personal mission is to help build a fair and open digital society. He is particularly interested in how personal data and open data can be combined to empower citizens, and how data and open collaboration create new business, tools for democratic participation and transparency.


My slides can be found at

The 3 minute video is at:


What an inspirational short video on human centric ethical approaches to open data! Thank you so much!

I look forward to learning more in the days/weeks/months ahead - thanks again!

1 Like

Thank you Rita for your kind feedback, glad to hear it inspired. Happy to talk more!

What’s your angle to this?

Video of the talk:

I am all for the empowerment of people (I work with newcomers). I also appreciate the focus on ethical use of data.
I am interested in learning more about it - thank you!