Learning Analytics of Online Courses to Enhance the Quality of Teaching - Example in Taipei Medical University

We regret that @wanhsu1234 was unable to travel here for her lightning talk presentation. She was kind enough to send a recorded presentation to share here:

Please use this space to send comments or ask questions of Marian and as well to be part of the conference braiding.


Thanks to @OEGconnect for putting this up here!!
For some personal incidents, I have to change all the plan to be in Edmonton with you all.
There are a dozen of my fellow Taiwanese, there in Edmonton, such as @TOCEC @twli, are waiting me to do this presentation. So, I have to make this video in order for them to put into their conference records.
Please feel free to drop a note to me.

When getting the data ready for analysis, just curious how to decide those outliers. Many Thanks.