Listen to OEG Voices Podcast Episode 6: RELACE

Our newest podcast episode is out featuring the voices of open educators featuring five of the curators of educational content involved with RELACE (Repositorio Latinoamericano de Convocatorias Educativas).


This is one of our series of podcasts recorded in Spanish, here it is en español

But we have a new feature, perhaps in the spirit of tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) we might be tempted to call tb;dss (too bad; don’t speak spanish), as our guest recorded a short summary in English:

Regardless, we hope you explore the RELACE project at as this project won a 2020 OE Award of Excellence in the Open Repository category.

Also note that we cross-post each podcast episode in OEG Connect as a place to discuss them further. Join the discussion for this episode!

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