Looking for Examples of Syllabus Guidelines/Policy Statements for use of AI?

Lance Eaton has collected and shared a document of over 140 examples of the statements/policies/guidelines on AI use that instructors are using for the courses.

You can also use a spreadsheet version that you can sort by course, discipline, institution. Statements include a license on reuse. And… there is a version that has been translated into Spanish.

Learn more in his post about this Lance’s AI+Eduction Simplified newsletter.

What can you find here that is of use? What do you see in the range of approaches? And if you want to add to the collection, Lance has a form waiting for you.

Hey! The sharing zone area is not just for me to use! We hope others here in OEG Connect will use this space to share their own resources or ones that have come across that are worth sharing. Just return to the main sharing zone, and click the New Topic button (you must be logged in toi reply or to start a new topic)


This is awesome! Thanks for posting!