Interested in the role that the Board of Directors plays with the Open Education Global organization or conference? Want to connect with a Board member in your region? Interested in running for election to the board in coming years? Feel free to ask questions or start a conversation here. I’ll do my best to answer questions and/or connect you to the most appropriate Board member for more information.
I’ve been on the Board myself for about a year and a half, and it’s been a great experience connecting with open educational leadership across the world.
Thanks for getting this started Alexis.
If you are wondering who is on Open Education Globals Board of Directors you can see that here.
Most of the people on our Board of Directors are elected from and by our members and serve a two year term.
In case some of you are interested in being on the Board the next election will take place in the Feb-2021 time frame.
I encourage you to dialogue with current Board members here about what the experience is like.
Ask them about the strategic planning process OEG are currently engaged with.
Hello Alexis, Paul and Lena,
So great to meet up with the past and current OEG Board of Directors. What does OEG do that is unique? - to me, it offers a global network of open educators and their respective institutions that support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4. In our digital and connected times, the understanding of the global educational network is part of contributing to education for all. Individually and collectively we at OEG care about education and its transformative potential. Being a director is about stewardship of this potential. If you have any questions about OEG - please ask!