Much More Than Good: Higher Education for Good is Here

This is such a good thing to spotlight and hopefully you have heard this news already, but the collaboratively created by 71 contributors, 2+ years in the making, and available as open as possible-- Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures edited by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin @catherinecronin is published!

Described in the introduction as a “journey of radical hope”:

This mix of new and well-established voices provides hopeful new ways of thinking about Higher Education across a range of contexts, and how to concretise initiatives to deal with local and global challenges. In an unusual and refreshing way, the contributors provide insights about resilience tactics and collective actions across different levels of higher education using an array of styles and formats including essays, poetry, and speculative fiction.

With its interdisciplinary appeal, this book presents itself as a provocative and inspiring resource for universities, students, and scholars. Higher Education for Good courageously offers critique, hope, and purpose for the practice and the trajectory of Higher Education.

Appropriately released during Open Access Week (as made available by Open Book Publishers openly licensed in both web and PDF formats), hear Laura share her perspective on #HE4Good

We definitely hope you share your appreciation, but also, maybe think about how you might put this Good to Good Work. There are so many thoughtful decisions into how the book is in the world, from crediting artists, to considering new voices, to considering impact of alphabetical author ordering.

Maybe we could organize an asynchronous/semichronous book discussion on chapters or sections? Or what about taking on some focused annotation? It looks like some character has already started a few in the PDF version.

But mostly we hope you take time to read, reflect, and maybe share as you begin your own journey through this work.

It’s Good to see!

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More Good updates from the co-editors of Higher Education for Good!

We hope you are able to join one of the two sessions offered by Equity Unbound as book launches, see dates/times/ and registration links.

And we are hopeful we can organize a possible appearance/discussion here…

What a powerful event this was! Kudos to Catherine and Laura for the structure and giving voice to authors and artists.

See the Book Launch open doc for links to slides and also to see names of these contributors as well as attendees who were part of a raffle of a printed version (lucky Brandon in New Mexico for winning!)

See this screen from the slides to introduce all the contributors

And from the wooclap interactive, results of the audiences responses for One Word to Descreibe Higher Education for Good

Stay tuned to Catherine and Laura for a possible call for version 2.0 participation. Yes I feel my own GOMO (Guilt of Missed Out) in not responding to their call.

But so good to be there for this moment of celebration.

I just downloaded the book and am curious to read it. Has someone already read it? What do you think about it?

It’s refreshing and inspired, plus the best part is you can read the chapters bits at a time (I have read maybe 5, much to go). One of the co-editors is here in OEG Connect, feel free to ask questions or share comments @catherinecronin

We did organize some open discussions with a few chapter authors during Open Education Week, the YouTube links there are now the recording. I had some hopes we could organize some social annotation of the chapters (see links in each event)

And there is another chapter discussion coming up on June 11

We had some hopes maybe we could organize an asynchronous reading group to focus on chapters, if this is of interest to anyone, please let us know!

Bottom line, I think we should have more going in depth discussions from the book, plus some ideation of what we mnight do collectively. The book is in many ways, a call to action.

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Thank you for the reply! Now I have a lot to read and watch in the next weeks :sweat_smile:

Well, if interested, pick a chapter and maybe we can organize a group read along / discussion say over a week’s time?

Yes, that sounds good. I have never done a group read along but I would be in :slight_smile: