Just published as part of the Unitwin Network on Open Education 23 good reasons… to adopt Open Education
Incentivize collaboration by Erwan Louërat
Darrion Letendre is the Land Based Learning Specialist at NorQuest College. He is an advocate for Indigenous education and revitalizing cultural knowledge through Western education systems. He has been a member of the Open Education Steering Committee, providing strategic guidance and wisdom as it relates to Indigenous Peoples’ ways of knowing.
Robert Lawson is an Educational Developer at NorQuest College in Edmonton, Canada. He has been actively promoting open education at the college since 2016 and is a member of the college’s Open Education Steering Committee. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for OE Global.
Read the article on the UNOE blog
Incentivize cooperation
“Incentivize collaboration” by Darrion Letendre and Robert Lawson is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Link: https://euniwell-open-education.univ-nantes.fr/incentivize-collaboration/