OE Global 2024 Live: First Monthly Webcast from Brisbane about the Conference Theme

As part of the lead up to the OE Global 2024 conference Nov 13-15 in Brisbane, Australia, we are bringing you each month a live webcast from Brisbane with the conference hosts.

For our first show, the team will be providing updates on the conference and having a conversation around the conference theme. We also look to gain more insight into the issues, trends, and topics of interest for open educators in the region. Watch live on YouTube and ask questions via the chat or see the recording later, and post your comments here.

Recording now available!

:date: When (in your time): 2024-06-27T02:00:00Z2024-06-27T03:00:00Z
:tv: Watch (live or see recording later) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0O_h6T9zw8

Guests in the studio include:

• Adrian Stagg (University of Southern Queensland)
• Carmel O’Sullivan (University of Southern Queensland)
• Sarah Howard (University of Queensland Technology Library)
• Anna Raunik (State Library of Queensland)
• Marcela Morales (Open Education Global)


We had a lively show, thanks to our wonderful Team Brisbane for building up interest in the conference theme, the insight into session proposals, info on keynote presenters, and just for sharing much about the way their institutions work together and also across Australia.

Watch the recording to build your list of things to make sure you do. I have:

  • We have been promised idea weather :wink:
  • Make the trip up the hills to Toowoomba aka “Garden City”
  • Build time to visit the State Library of Queensland (a few minutes walk from the conference venue. On that note, bring an extra travel bag for all the goodies you will find at the book store
  • Get to the Queensland University of Technology (there will be a reception there with fantastic views)
  • Any rumors of a beautiful beach within walking distance are ChatGPT hallucinations (just kidding)

And for reference, and I am trusting my leaky brain memory here, some reference links

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Great to join you @cogdog! You have captured the references perfectly. If anyone has any further questions regarding anything discussed, please reach out to us here anytime. :smile:

Thanks for the opportunity, Alan! You have such an easy way with facilitation, and it was hard to believe we spoke for almost an hour.
Hopefully this provides a good overview of the conference to whet everyone’s appetite (did we mention registrations are now open?), and please use the channel to ask questions in the conference lead-up.