OEG Connector Badge: Beta Testers Wanted

Can you help us at OEGlobal test issuing of digital badges? We are exploring this opportunity to offer digital microcredentials.

We are offering via Badgr.com a validation of your being an active participant here via an OEG Connector Badge (this is fairly easy to earn!)

OEG Connector Badge Criteria

Your reply to this post will act as the “evidence” for earning the badge. An OEG Connector is recognized by the link to your profile, which you will find by following https://connect.oeglobal.org/my/summary

Evidence includes:

To apply for this bridge, reply below with your message requesting a badge and include the direct link to your user profile, e.g. mine is https://connect.oeglobal.org/u/cogdog/summary.

Also include any comments about what you experienced here or suggestions how to improve this platform.

Who wants a badge? Apply now :wink: It’s easy as replying.

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I would like an OEG Connect Badge! Connect is in my name… The evidence is in my user profile at Profile - OEGconnect - OE Global Connect

I like the exploratory experience here and the numerous ways the system makes suggestions without being spammy. Also, the materials available from the conferences are very useful.

Your badge is approved and on it’s way to you via email. Thanks for testing!

Ready, set, go :grin: Profile - unatdaly - OE Global Connect

You also get noted for being a Quick Responder (and nice to see you created your avatar image).

Badge is in the email; also this is the public view of it

Thanks for beta testing!

Applying for a badge here! My profile

Thanks Mario, you have been badged


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Hello :slight_smile: Can I have the badge, please? Profile - igorlesko - OE Global Connect

Yes, you can have a badge! It’s in the email. Thanks for testing.

And listed


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My profile is here: Profile - ABeC - OE Global Connect

Just finding my way around here so no comments yet.

Have a Great Day!

Thanks for joining OEG Connect, Andrew. It takes some time here to reach the criteria levels for the badge. Some things that will help:

Thanks for your interest and please make use of this space.

A badge for my digital sleeve please! Mỹ profile summary

Your badge is on its way via email, thanks for playing.