OEG Fediverse Directory

By request of @Downes and also a good idea, we just created a Mastodon list of this OEG Connect Fediverse directory (top of the thread).

Creating a List of the OEG Connectors in the Fediverse

You can download a copy of the csv file for this list at https://oeglobal.org/oegconnect/oeg-connectors.csv

To import this as a list in your Mastodon account:

  1. Go to edit your profile and find the place to import or directly to https://<yourmastodoninstance.url>/settings/import
  2. Select under Import Type Lists
  3. Under Data, choose the CSV file downloaded above
  4. Check the option for Merge so it does not overwrite any existing lists
  5. Click Upload

From your home screen, choose lists, and look for one titled “OEG Connectors”. In a column view this will open up a new column where you can see all the posts by people in the list.

Following Them All (Here is your starter pack!)

The steps above will not add these users to your stream, but if you would like to follow them all in one swoop, the steps are similar.

You can download a copy of the csv file for this list at https://oeglobal.org/oegconnect/follow-oeg-connectors.csv

To import this as a list in your Mastodon account:

  1. Go to edit your profile and find the place to import or go directly to https://<yourmastodoninstance.url>/settings/import
  2. Select under Import Type Following List
  3. Under Data, choose the CSV file downloaded above
  4. Check the option for Merge so it does not overwrite any existing lists
  5. Click Upload

Added later- wrote this up as a blog post (and then some)