OEG Live: Preview of What's Happening OEGlobal 2023 Conference

Look for a series of live shows leading up to (and happening at) the OEGlobal 2023 Conference Nov 16-18 in Edmonton hosted by NorQuest College.


On our first show we highlight key information for participants going to the confernece and those wanting to participate from a distance.

Representatives from the conference program committee will join us to share what to expect for the activities and the venue plus some insights about the conference theme of Sustainability in Open Education. And we definitely plan to hear about the location/venue and our host NorQuest College.

If you are going to the conference, here’s a chance to learn more to maximize your experience, ask questions, and start thinking about how to plan your conference time. And for those not able to attend in person, do not worry! We will share our ideas for ways you will able to participate, contribute, and be connected to the conference experience.

:alarm_clock: When (in your local time): 2023-09-08T19:00:00Z

:tv: Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U0wzwAQ2_A See the show live and chat with studio guests. No registration required. Or return and watch the recording:

In the Studio…

  • Sarah Smyth Conference Chair, NorQuest College
  • Connie Blomgren Program Co- Chair, Athabasca University
  • Robert Lawson Program Co- Chair, NorQuest College
  • Darrion Letendre Program Co- Chair, NorQuest College
  • Marcela Morales Organizing Team, OEGlobal

More Information


I’m looking forward to this
Thank you so much

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Thank you so much for your lovely Conference Preview video on Youtube - I have just watched it!

It was moving to see how animated you all were about the conference, and the values and ideas that you are working so hard to integrate into the experience. I’m so sorry that I can’t be there to join you in person, as I’ve been unable to secure funding. Thank you so much to my 3 reviewers who gave such an enthusiastic response. I’m busy thinking of ways to contribute and join in somehow with the two-eyed seeing and braiding! Will respond on the other threads.

From Lesley, Milton Keynes, UK

Thanks for watching the video, Lesley, and regret the funding did not enable you to be in Edmonton to share your work.

I am seeking ways for you and others unable to be there to contribute to the “to be developed” braiding process, or at least a viable way to share/connect your open education efforts. It fits the concept of wahkôhtowin that everything is interconnected/related.

I remain convinced we can find other means than just presentations! And looking now at the two streams that are going to be openly live streamed (and hopefully archived) that it’s almost a quarter of the conference sessions, and includes the keynotes and general sessions, plus many highly relevant sessions (see the Salon 8/10 and Salon 12 tracks in the provisional schedule).

Stay tuned! Our next conference OEG Live discussion is 2023-09-21T14:30:00Z expanding on the ideas, see OEG Live: Braiding and Two-Eyed Seeing for OEGlobal23

Thank you so much Alan !! It’s fabulous about the streaming and braiding sessions. I was thinking that I wouldn’t be able to contribute, but am rethinking that to see how it might work!! Just posted a braiding idea in the photo challenge. Thanks to you and all the team for all your welcoming thoughts and plans :pray:.