OEG Voices 017: Tanja Urbančič and Mitja Jermol on Open Education for a Better World

Originally published at: OEG Voices 017: Tanja Urbančič and Mitja Jermol on Open Education for a Better World – OEG Voices

The organization’s name very clearly communicates what they do at Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW), an international mentoring project that matches people with world bettering ideas to domain experts all aimed at creating Open Education Resources that help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). https://oe4bw.org/ Listen to this episode where the voices of OE4BW initiators Tanja Urbančič and Mitja Jermol visit us from Slovenia to share their program that was recognized with a 2020 OE Award for Excellence in the Open Collaboration category. Tanja, Dean of School of Engineering and Management at the University of Nova Gorica,…