Originally published at: OEG Voices 038: Florence Devouard and Wayne Mackintosh on Awards in Open Infrastructure – OEG Voices
The voices for will hear in episode 38 come from nearly antipodal locations but are very much connected as both Florence Devouard and Wayne Mackintosh were recognized in 2021 with Open Awards for Excellence in the Open Infrastructure category. From one side of the globe, Wayne dialed in from Cromwell, New Zealand to share more about the award winning OER Foundation’s digital learning ecosystem that delivers open learning at scale supported completely by open source software (and at low cost). And on the other side of this world, Florence Devouard was present from Marseille, France to tell us more about…
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We enjoyed our conversation with Florence and Wayne, and here it is open to you to join in.
Do you have a question or comment for @Anthere about the Wikifundi project? Are you curious about the potential of editing Wikipedia offline? Ask right here.
Or do you want to learn about the OER Foundation courses and communities running on 100% open source internet platforms described by @Mackiwg ? Ask right here.