OEWeek 2023 Monday : Share your experiences!

Day 1 of OE Week 2023!

Where do you begin?

There are 45 events happening today from Australia to Moldova, across Africa to Poland, Lebanon to Brazil, and Romania to Canada and the US. Read the full Monday schedule here.

Nobody can see it all, so we’ve together a handy first guide to get started – you can find it here:

:eyeglasses: Open Education Week : Day 1
(If you are not receiving these announcements, sign up now – tick the OE Week option.)

We’re more interested in what was the one highlight, discovery, picture, key learning of YOUR first day of OE Week 2023.

Let us know what stayed with you by replying to this post.

We will “pin” this call in this area of OE Connect so it is easy to find. Imagine if everyone filled this space with stories, resources, and ideas.