Is there an impact of the types of photos shown in news stories of people being vaccinated and public perceptions of getting vaccinated? Yes the answer is arguable, but consider this question:
plus as mentioned in the replies to this tweet, the man shown grimacing is not wearing his mask.
Open content has something to offer! And Self magazine had published this story in August 2019.
“Our new photos are medically accurate, inclusive, and free to download.”
The photo collection of 83 images is available from a flickr album, all licensed Creative Commons BY Attribution.
Come on news editors, you can find better vaccination photos.
UPDATED Sep 8, 2021: Because of a request to reuse this post, I make note that this message is specifically openly licensed (all authors here own the rights to their content):
To the extent possible under law, Alan Levine has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to “Open As in Vaccination Photos”. This work is published from: Canada.