We Like Sharing is a photo bank of openly-licensed images created by staff, students and alumni of TU Delft, and curated at the Extension School for Continuing Education. Every year since 2021, we look forward to Open Education Week and join in the celebrations with a photo competition. Everyone at the university is invited to submit their photos to be shared publicly in the photo bank: authors are attributed as copyright holders, and asked to choose what permissions they would like to give others to reuse their images.
The aims of this on-going adventure, in a nutshell:
to help people see by themselves that sharing is good,
to raise awareness of open licenses,
to teach people how to attribute properly,
to remind them that all visuals should always have an ALT description.
The competition closed at the end of OEWeek and @bdelosarcos reported a record 95 photos submitted for this year, where appropriately the theme was ‘What does OPEN mean to you?’
I am fortunate to again be on the judging panel, but this year, so can you! They have added a People’s Choice Award based on public voting. You can enjoy all of the submitted photos from the 2023 Competition gallery in flickr where each photo includes a link to the voting form where you can nominate your three favorite ones.
Well, it’s more than a contest. We all win by having the We Like Sharing collection available, all openly licensed.
Congratulations to all the winners, but also kudos to every single one of you who participated in the competition, and every single person who spent some time in the last few weeks checking out the photos in We Like Sharing. We are now up to 884 images and nearly 400K views, which is more phenomenal than phenomenal!
If you feel inspired to take photos and would like to share them in We Like Sharing, here’s the link you need: http://bit.ly/WeLikeSharing
Phenomenal indeed. Thank you @bdelosarcos for bringing the open photo competition again to OEweek.
Thanks, Alan @cogdog.
For more good news and fun, let me share the numbers behind this year’s competition:
95 submissions from 53 lovely people (students, teachers, support staff, friends and family!). That’s more than double the number of entries we had in 2022!
A big majority (43) were new contributors, so people who had not shared an image in the photo bank before.
All photos are CC licensed but if you allow me to go by degrees of open, a fabulous 56% of this year’s entries are shared under CC0 or CC BY