Open to Social Justice Transformation: What has higher education got to do with it?

Open to Social Justice Transformation: What has higher education got to do with it?

In this keynote, I explore socio-personal histories of open higher education in conversation with commitments to facilitate social justice transformation. More specifically I consider the role of higher education in being-and-doing ‘open’ and how this relates to struggles over the right to knowledge, knowing and learning. A line of questioning I pursue is: what are the implications of different articulations of open-ness for the capacity of higher education to contribute to social justice transformation – and what constitutes, limits and enables this? Considering the possibilities for higher education to open up time, space and resources for equitable participation in transformative processes, I argue it is time for social justice praxis, drawing on my new book with Dr Matt Lumb. My overarching aim is to utilise the keynote for collective questioning of the possibilities for open-ing education for social justice transformation.

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Session Details

:clipboard: Format: Plenary
:busts_in_silhouette: Presenter(s): Penny Jane Burke
:clock1: Brisbane Time: November 15, 9:00 AM → 10:00 AM AEST
:globe_with_meridians: Your Local Time:
:round_pushpin: Room: Plenary P3-4-5
:bookmark: Topic Area: Presentation
:link: Sched: View in conference schedule


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