Partner: Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN)

Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN)
(Note, this is a draft that will updated shortly)

The Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) is a network of doctoral researchers around the world whose research projects focus on open education. These doctoral researchers are at the core of the network; around them, over two hundred experts, supervisors, mentors and interested parties connect to form a community of practice.

GO-GN aims to:

raise the profile of research into open education,
offer support for those conducting doctoral research in this area,
promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the field of open education research, and
develop openness as a process of research.

GO-GN is funded by the Hewlett Foundation, and this year is thrilled to be celebrating its 10th anniversary at the Open Education Global conference in Edmonton. Our long-standing and close relationship with the conference has ensured that, as interest in open education around the world has increased, our members remain connected to, and engaged with, the latest research, advocacy and policy work.

To celebrate a decade of GO-GN, we are delighted to be supporting around twenty-five of our members to participate in this year’s conference. Find out more about our work, the work of our members and alumni and how you can get involved to help shape the next ten years of GO-GN at this year’s OE Global and online throughout the year.

GO-GN Activities at OE Global 2023

See Sched for all presentations about and by GO-GN members

GO-GN Contacts in OEG Connect

@MWeller @RobertFarrow @BeckPitt @catherinecronin @verenanz

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