Photos of Places in the World As Metaphors for Higher Education for Good (Share more?)

We are looking forward to two live sessions this week where we are getting to have conversations with authors of two different chapters from Higher Education for Good.

You can be part of this on 2024-03-05T14:00:00Z (your local time) by tuning in for a Higher Education for Good Chapter Conversation with Paola Corti and Chrissi Nerantzi. We will talk in detail with authors @Paola and @chrissinerantzi , plus HE4Good co-editor Catherine Cronin @catherinecronin , the interesting concept and activity approach of Chapter 11, Calm in the storm

There are several ways you can participate:

  • Watch live and discuss through chat on YouTube-- archive now available
  • Attach comments/questions to specific portions of the chapter via web annotation
  • Add replies, comments at any time here in OEG Connect (just reply below)

Plus one more. The description for this chapter, which is published in an innovative format is:

This chapter is in the form of a photograph, an audio podcast, and a transcript of the podcast, referenced at the end of the chapter. Paola and Chrissi speak in alternate turns in the podcast; this is noted in the transcript.

We propose that our contribution could be used as an alternative conversation trigger, in whole or in part. The use we make of both audio and written visual language offers alternative ways to uncover and discover novel connections. The format we have chosen is an open invitation to immerse the listener and/or reader with us and our thinking and to encourage conversation. Readers/listeners can use a range of metaphors from nature and the world around you to explore, discuss and debate challenging issues and opportunities with other educators and students. The metaphors can be linked to higher education experiences and practices to better understand what is important, to see the higher education landscape with fresh eyes, and to identify and embrace positive ways forward.

Take a look at this photo:

Valtellina valley, Italy. Photo by Paola Corti., CC0

This is Paola’s image that is discussed in Chapter 11in audio format by Chrissi and Paola. You can already listen (and read the transcript).

We are interested in seeing some other photos that we might use to apply the same approach. Do you have a photo of a place, in nature or otherwise, that also could be a prompt for talking about as a metaphor for the current higher education landscape?

This is in fact would support another activity I am spinning up for Open Education week, a remix of the TU Delft We Like Sharing photo collective we are calling We Like Sharing @ OEGlobal. If you share your photos via our form or just share in a reply below, we might even use it during Tuesday’s session. And we will add all images to our own We Like Sharing album.

If you include in a reply below, please include:

  • A title
  • geographic location
  • description to use for alt-text description
  • desired Creative Commons license

You will get full attribution credit, of course.

How about it? Do you have an image that can open discussions like the Valtellina Valley one Paola shared?

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We have a few more “open spaces” photos shared to our We Like Sharing @OE Global collection, see the album in flickr

Do you like sharing? Share a photo with us! You get all the credit, attribution, and gratitude.

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