Authors: Julie Erickson, Joan Upell
Institutions: Technology and Innovation in Education, independent consultant
Country: United States
Topic: Connecting Open Education to Primary and Secondary (K-12) Education
Sector: K-12
UNESCO Area of Focus: Building capacity
Session Format: Workshop
How do you advocate for your library? Build professional capacity? Integrate more technology? Become an instructional leader in your district? The Reaching Out IMLS professional development grant guides librarians through the steps to do all these things and more. Discover how to increase capacity in your library.The Reaching Out IMLS grant focuses on increasing librarian professional development in leadership and technology. The librarians in the program are at high needs, rural schools with an emphasis on Indian reservations. The OER work allows for the focus of inclusivity and cultural awareness in the content developed.
This session will provide an overview of the IMLS Reaching Out Librarian Professional Development Grant. Learn how librarians are increasing their digital skills, implementing Open Education Resources (OER) and expanding their skills as instructional leaders through synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences including yearly face-to-face, two-day sessions; webinars and regional meetings; and online workshops. In addition, the participants have built a community of learners who support each other in the development of their leadership skills to collaborate with teachers and facilitate student learning through OER and digital resources. This work has been developed to meet each participant where they are, develop their skills and provide them with relevant activities and projects that will benefit their particular situation.
Participants will learn about the structure of the professional development in Reaching Out and how it can support professional development in their district
Participants will learn about OER and how it can provide inclusive and culturally relevant content.
Participants will be able to identify professional development networks and discuss how to create or join existing networks.
professional development, librarians, libraries, K-12, culturally relevant, collaboration