No one is eager to say hello when there are responses! As the person responsible for creating this kind of loosely structured summer experience, it falls on me to start.
I am Alan Levine and after my first stint in educational technology at the Maricopa Community Colleges I branched out to do work with the New Media Consortium, and several years of independent consulting in edtech. I have been working with OE Global for a year now on efforts of building engagement and activities for members.
I love the web, multimedia, digital storytelling, creativity, and yes, I even love HTML.
Worn and Favorite flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
I have been involved this past year supporting a BCcampus project around H5P and offered to build some summer adventure activities for those interested in building interactive content in it. I’d also be keen to do some work with folks interested in web annotation.
And I am responsible for this OEG Connect platform so contact me for help and or complaints.
Who wants to cook with H5P this summer? Head this way.