Just follow the steps to contribute an event - do not worry if your details are not finalized, you can edit at any later time, and the calendar will not be made public until February 14. I will be notified, and should be able to locate your contact from the form information, but you can confirm below (and boast to others here) that you are a brave innovator.
Yes, a Toonie can be in the mail to wherever you are in the world!
I hope people will start sharing the ideas and plans they are considering for Open Education Week, if you share them here it will help others think of ideas. Also we have a list of possible event types each with linked examples to ones from last year.
Update, 3 4 Toonies have been earned! I will be contacting the winners soon! Your Toonie will be in the mail.
The first five OEWeek events are listed below and three were shared by people here in OEG Connect.
Community Conversations: Managing Knowledge In Communities – shared by Laura
ERASMUS+ Project DI4ALL (Digital Inclusion for all) – shared by Neda
Using Docsify-This for Publishing, Sharing and Reusing Markdown-based Open Content – shared by @paulhibbitts
CC Open Education Platform webinar: “Wikidata, OER, and Curriculum Alignment in Ghana, Uruguay and Italy” – shared by @Jennryn
Open Educational Resources: Building Equity in Education – shared by @rhbecker1
These events (and many more) be on the Open Education Week calendar when we open it in a few weeks. Hopefully you have more incentive to add yours than my silly prize.
Visit Open Education Week now to add your own events (and soon, a new way of sharing resources0
If I can do anything to help, I’m more than happy to, no toonies needed Also, wondering if there are any planned OE week events that are catered to the public library sphere?
Hi Robin! Thanks for your offer to help and/or participate in Open Education Week.
Ideally what we like to see if you are able to organize/offer any kind of event at the library you work in. These do not have to be online, they can be local in-person ones. The idea is to have as much going on in the world as possible. It could be a basic information session or an introduction to open resources made available at your library, even a drop in “ask the librarian” offering.
Just declaring that your library is celebrating this week can count as an event.
You are also welcome to make home here in OEG Connect, any kind of asynchronous discussion, call for responses in the DO OE Week Activities areas Maybe it could be asn ask for ways other public libraries engage in open education practices.
We will have very very soon is a way for you to share any open resources created by you and/or your library.
And the other way of participating is what you do here well, engaging in discussions, taking part in online activities offered elsewhere, and sharing what you learned back here.
The events for this week are just starting to come in, so I cannot say we have ones for public libraries… yet. You might get ideas from the library of previous events – even ones that are not specifically written for libraries could be recrafted to that focus.
I see in 202 the library at Northern Arizona Universite held a drop in session cutely titled "OER Petting Zoo" which really was in invitation to come to the library and gently touch an OER