Tagged Cooltech: What is Max? | Cycling '74

What’s cool? What is Max? | Cycling '74

Tell me more!

Max is an infinitely flexible space to create your own interactive software.

Each object does something. Max has objects that generate sound waves, represent hardware, or provide a UI for interaction.

Patchcords connect one object to another. This connection lets objects share their output with connected objects.

Connect UI objects like dials and sliders to provide control values or display results. Modulate, map and scale data to get just the right results.

Where is it?: What is Max? | Cycling '74

This is one among many items I regularly tag in Pinboard as cooltech, and automatically autoshares as #cogdogcooltech to Twitter and Mastodon. Now the Coolness is in OEG Connect :wink:
Have you ever been to Cool? Do you know of something cool I should share? Just reply below and I will check it out.