Tagged for OEG Connect: Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons — Outcomes and Learnings · Open Future

What’s of interest? Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons — Outcomes and Learnings · Open Future

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This report captures learnings from the Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons, a six-week online deliberation of open movement activists, creators, and organizations about regulating generative AI.

Generative AI is built on the digital infrastructure of the commons and uses the vast quantity of images, text, video, and rich data resources of the internet: open science research, open source code, and various sorts of training data that is either public or openly shared. Most importantly, AI developers train their models on large amounts of content and data shared by a multiplicity of collections and repositories.

Access to the Digital Commons enables innovation and the development of systems that could become the next general-purpose digital technology. But these developments are not without risks and challenges: from bias and lack of transparency to energy consumption and environmental footprint, from new concentrations of power to impacts on creative work – these are all challenges that can influence the commons and need to be addressed.

To this end, the Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons aimed to answer the question: What do open movement activists, creators, and organizations think about regulating generative AI? The Open Future, together with Creative Commons and Fundación Karisma, organized this conversation over six weeks between 13 February and 17 March 2024.

Where is it?: Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons — Outcomes and Learnings · Open Future

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