This card game is designed as a fun and interactive way of getting teaching staff to know each other while reflecting on different elements of their teaching. It is based upon the popular game, Cards Against Humanity, but this particular version can be used as an effective professional development activity because at the end of each round of the game, participants must discuss their answers to a reflection question. The reflection questions focus, for example, on their educational philosophy, their challenges, their growth as an educator or their achievements so far. This is a print and play version of this game, ideal for groups of 3 to 6 people with additional blank cards provided for you to make your own, should you wish.
This is one among many items I will regularly tag in Pinboard as oegconnect, and automatically post tagged as #OEGConnect to Mastodon. Do you know of something else we should share like this? Just reply below and we will check it out.
Since I am thinking non-stop about Open Education Week, I am speculating some possible shred activities:
What if groups played the game together and shared photos/descriptions of some of the best combinations and responses to the reflection questions?
What if people took the blank cards, and created and shared examples of new question and/or answer cards?
What if there was something that could be developed collaboratively to create an online version of the game?
We here at OEGlobal, well me for sure, are keenly interested in generating a string of asynchronous activities we could do together in the Do OEWeek Activities area of Connect.
Is anyone interesting in helping us develop this idea?