Tagged for OEG Connect: Connecting the Dots: 20+ Years of Open in Australia - LibGuides at CAUL - Council of Australian University Librarians

What’s of interest? Connecting the Dots: 20+ Years of Open in Australia - LibGuides at CAUL - Council of Australian University Librarians

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There have been open research initiatives in Australia since the very beginning of global discussions on open access to research publications in the early 2000s. The initiatives in Australia have come from a range of actors, including the federal government, funders, institutions, and peak and advocacy bodies. This arrow illustrates some of the key initiatives over the past 20 years. In 2020, the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG, now Open Access Australasia) facilitated a national discussion on open research. In 2021, there is increased momentum towards open access to research publications driven by work from the Office of the Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley.

Where is it?: Home - Connecting the Dots: 20+ Years of Open in Australia - LibGuides at CAUL - Council of Australian University Librarians

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