Tagged for OEG Connect: Course: Distributing learning and knowledge creation

What’s of interest? Course: Distributing learning and knowledge creation

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An online course to help build capacity for distributing knowledge to reduce inequity

Inequity is everywhere in higher education between countries, between regions and social and economic groups within countries. There are large variations in access to higher education across the global, regional, socio-economic and cultural divides.

Distributed education is the provision of education where it is needed – taking it to the student rather than the student coming to it - thus overcoming limitations of time and place.

It depends on the use of the internet and online learning. It offers increased equity of access to education for those who cannot physically attend a central campus - due to socio-economic, disability or geographic factors - as well as a reduced carbon footprint.

Networked education depends on contributions from multiple educational institutions. It fosters “collaborative, co-operative and collective inquiry, knowledge-creation and action”. It depends on “trusting relationships… and appropriate communication technologies”.

To gain the benefits of distributing education, knowledge has to be created. Distributing knowledge creation can counter the under-representation of diverse populations in research.

Where is it?: Course: Distributing learning and knowledge creation

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Thank you for sharing, Alan. This looks useful and interesting. I just may do this!

I signed up, already. If there is an interest, we could maybe try to rouse a cohort to start for Open Education Week March. 3-7

One of the course authors (and whom flagged for me is) @Dickh here in OEG Connect- what do you think Richard about trying to coordinate a group here?

Thanks Alan, a wonderful idea, if there was enough interest, to work through the course as a cohort starting in Open Education Week March 3-7. Would allow us to improve the course as we went along and engage advocates for change. Something to aim for.