Tagged for OEG Connect: Generative Artificial Intelligence: Practical Uses in Education

What’s of interest? Generative Artificial Intelligence: Practical Uses in Education

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This Open Educational Resource (OER) was produced for educators who wish to find positive and productive ways to incorporate generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their work.

This includes:

  • using AI tools to develop courses, lesson plans, activities, assessments, and rubrics;

  • leveraging AI tools to enhance existing in-class activities and assignments;

  • teaching students how to engage with AI effectively, ethically, and responsibly;

  • utilizing AI tools to efficiently complete administrative tasks.

This resource is focused on how AI tools can be used in polytechnic education. However, much of the content will also be relevant to educators in other educational contexts, like university or high school. The term ‘instructional staff’ is used widely in this resource and is meant to include instructors, professors, lecturers, teachers, educational assistants, and tutors.

h/y Tom Haymes and/or Mark Corbett Wilson

Where is it?: Generative Artificial Intelligence: Practical Uses in Education – Simple Book Publishing

This is one among many items I will regularly tag in Pinboard as oegconnect, and automatically post tagged as #OEGConnect to Mastodon. Do you know of something else we should share like this? Just reply below and we will check it out.

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Very cool stuff! I like a fully online book that that hyperlinks to all relevant places. I have yet to find what use of H5P was made there, though. And this is perfect for the course i’m taking on Emerging Issues in Distance Education Technologies. :slight_smile:

Very useful. Will take a good look.

Great to see you here again, Vahid. I share with you my super secret Pressbooks “trick” to show all of the H5P apps inside a Pressbooks. Just take it’s URL and tack on /h5p-listing to the end.

Get ready, set, click!


This lets you see the “library”, explore all H5P, and even download ones you might want to reuse.

If you want to find them in context, then just do a search on “h5p” it should return all chapters that include content (as long as the textbook is not about H5P!)


I’d love to hear more about your program and what you are learning :wink:

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Oh wow! That trick just blew my mind a little bit! Thank you!!

Thanks for sharing this