Tagged for OEG Connect: High-Impact Course Resources | OER Commons

What’s of interest? High-Impact Course Resources | OER Commons

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A resource hub for highly-transferable, high-enrollment courses required

for degree paths in high-wage and high-demand fields.

What are High Impact Courses?

We define High Impact Courses as highly transferable, high-enrollment courses required for Texas two-year or four-year degree paths in high-wage and high-demand fields. Read our research about Texas high impact courses on OERTX.

Who should use these resources?

Faculty who teach courses that align with the Texas Core Curriculum will find open materials for full courses and textbooks for 25 of Texas’ highest-demand courses.

About the High Impact Course Hub

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), leveraged data from the Texas Workforce Commission to identify and collect open materials for teaching high impact courses.

Where is it?: High-Impact Course Resources | OER Commons

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Dear Alan
I appreciate your efforts for sharing latest updates on open education. I love reading your posts as I am big supporter of open education.
Best wishes

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Many thanks, Aarti!

And I would hope/encourage you and everyone else here to share updates for interesting open education efforts where you are, or just asking questions of this community.