What’s of interest? I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite and no one wants to fix it • The Register
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Neural nets with flaws can be harmless … yet dangerous. So why are reports of problems being roundly ignored?
I set to work on writing a prompt for that classifier, beginning with something very simple – not very different from a prompt I’d feed into any chatbot. To test it before I started consuming expensive API calls, I popped it into Microsoft Copilot Pro. Underneath the Microsoft branding, Copilot Pro sits on top of OpenAI’s best-in-class model, GPT-4. Typed the prompt in, and hit return.
The chatbot started out fine – for the first few words in its response. Then it descended into a babble-like madness. Which went on and on and on and on and … on. Somehow, it couldn’t even stop babbling.
I ran through every chatbot I could access and – with the single exception of Anthropic’s Claude 3 Sonnet – I managed to break every single one of them.
Uh, oops? What do I do now? On the one hand, I had work to do. On the other hand, I’d run into a big, pervasive something caused by my quite innocuous prompt. I guess I should tell someone?
Where is it?: I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite and no one wants to fix it • The Register
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