Tagged for OEG Connect: Library Carpentry: Introduction to Git: Summary and Setup

What’s of interest? Library Carpentry: Introduction to Git: Summary and Setup

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Begin to understand and use Git/GitHub. You will not be an expert by the end of the class. You will probably not even feel very comfortable using Git. This is okay. We want to make a start but, as with any skill, using Git takes practice. In this lesson we use Git from the Unix Shell. Some previous experience with the shell is expected, but is not mandatory.

Where is it?: Library Carpentry: Introduction to Git: Summary and Setup

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I never understood what “tracking” multiple versions was good for. I wanted reassurance for recovering the ONE good version if I accidentally damaged it. And I did it with the mouse, not with the “shell terminal”. Here are the few things I need: Minimal GitHub for reassurance | x28's new Blog