What’s of interest? Library Futures | New Research Report: OER in Public Libraries
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When COVID-19 shut down in-person library programs, the Enoch Pratt Free Library (EPFL) assembled a hub of open-access lesson plans to help learning continue in new places. One of those places was the worm bin, where kids can learn about food waste through an open-access lesson plan linked on their website.
EPFL librarians applied for a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to create a repository of open educational resources (OER): teaching and learning tools, including curricula and textbooks, that can be shared, remixed, and adapted. “Worm herding” is only one example of how public libraries can open doors to a world of educational resources that are otherwise locked behind proprietary licenses.
Outside of successful examples like the EPFL’s IMLS-funded Make-IT Place, OER in public libraries have been notably overlooked. Library Futures’s new research report, “Keeping an Open Mind: Awareness, Use, and Perspectives of OER in Public Libraries,” takes a first look at how public librarians are using and perceiving OER.
Library Futures surveyed public librarians about their use and awareness of OER via the Public Library Association (PLA) mailing list from January - March 2024 and received 107 usable responses. Our flagship survey revealed that public librarians are very interested in OER, but many lack the resources, education, or support to bring interest into action.
Respondents’ interest in OER was extremely high, with 97% of respondents noting some level of interest in learning more about OER. That level of interest suggests a rich area for further education, development, and research.
Where is it?: Library Futures | New Research Report: OER in Public Libraries
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