Tagged for OEG Connect: LTE Toolkit - University of Saskatchewan

What’s of interest? LTE Toolkit - University of Saskatchewan

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The Learning Technology Ecosystem (LTE) is made up of the tools that the USask community uses to create, deliver, manage and analyze learning content.

The LTE Toolkit is a collection of the teaching and learning technologies available at USask. This resource is managed collaboratively by ICT Academic Technologies and the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.

It includes a list of tools by function/purpose, another listing indicating whether they are approved, supported, or not recommended by the University, and an extensive guide of LTE Principles (Accessible, Active and social, Designed for reflection and growth, Designed for students who are remixing and/or creating, Designed for student control and ownership of learning, Efficient and easy to use, Designed to enable connection, and Inclusive of learning-centered assessment).

“For each the Learning Technology Ecosystem Principles, you will find options for how to use learning technologies to Enhance, Extend, and Empower student learning. The 3E Framework assists instructors with the practical implementation of technology in their classes.”

Finally, examples of technology use are described for each part of this framework.

Where is it?: https://teaching.usask.ca/learning-technology/

This is one among many items I will regularly tag in Pinboard as oegconnect, and automatically post tagged as #OEGConnect to Mastodon. Do you know of something else we should share like this? Just reply below and we will check it out.


Thanks for sharing this. We created a one-stop shop for the USask community to look for what tools were approved for use, what supports were available, resources on how to use the tools, and what are the recommended pedagogical uses of them. A lot of people worked on this.


My pleasure Heather! I spotted in a link your colleague sent in response to my H5P query, and look, a new resource worth sharing.

The design and use of a framework here is stellar, award worthy stuff (hint hint). I’d love to schedule a podcast/OEG Live with your team to learn more how it works at USask.