Tagged for OEG Connect: Writebook

What’s of interest? Writebook

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Instantly publish your own books on the web for free, no publisher required.

Blogging and posting on social is easy. But why is it so hard to publish a whole book on the web? It’s not anymore. Writebook is remarkably simple software that allows you to publish text and pictures in a simple, browsable online book format.

h/t spotted in a blog post by Doug Belshaw Weeknote 28/2024 – Open Thinkering

Where is it?: ONCE — Writebook

This is one among many items I will regularly tag in Pinboard as oegconnect, and automatically post tagged as #OEGConnect to Mastodon. Do you know of something else we should share like this? Just reply below and we will check it out.

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Is it open educational resource or c resource? What’s the publisher name?


It’s not any kind of “resource”, it’s server software one with their own web site can download, install, and run to publish web books. That’s more than most might want to do, but the examples looked interesting. It just looked at a quick glance like perhaps an option to try.