Thank a Librarian on April 16 [Inter]National Library Day

Elsewhere in a social media stream I saw a celebration today for “National Library Day” at an elementary school in Portland, Oregon… on looking it up, I found mostly listings on sites that just list national ________ days. But I will rely on this worthy of being celebrated. And the people inside the libraries.

We can easily make it International Library Day.

Libros Libres flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0) a photo I took on the streets in San Juan, Puerto Rico one of many Libros Libres with likely invisible librarians.

Official or not, in the spirit that in a Board View topic @Paola suggested acts of ongoing appreciation people who support OER work often behind the scenes, how about giving a shout out to a librarian today who champions open education or provides key support to your open education efforts?

C’mon, join in an honor your library colleagues.

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I would like to recognize Shuana Niessen from the University of Regina’s Open Publishing Program, who is still new in her position, but creating great synergies and awesome PD sessions. This program has resulted in many strong OER offerings.

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Thank you Donna! I need to get to know Shuana, she is only an hour away form where I am located.

And I have been meaning to post here the fabulous and fully online Open Education Bootcamp the University of Regina is hosting in May. See also their open textbook collection.

Librarians ROCK :slight_smile: but I need 20 characters, wahtever!

There are too many library colleagues to list here that I appreciate, so I’ll stick to the ones that got me through a particularly tough time as a solo online/OER librarian and became the small, supportive community I needed.

  • Brenda Smith, Thompson Rivers University
  • Kathy Essmiller, Oklahoma State University
  • Sonya Durney, University of New England
  • Ariana Santiago, University of Houston

I recently got to visit (well take a photo outside) my elementary school in Baltimore, and while I cannot remember the librarian names I totally remember how inviting the library was and how much time I spent there just pulling books from the shelves.

We only drove by the branch of the Baltimore County public library in the Liberty Court shopping center, but it looked the same as it did on the Saturdays I spent there a gazillion years ago, asking questions about my homework projects.

I will name a friend and colleague, Alice Campbell, a librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, who has been my go to expert for weird and odd research requests. She really reinforced that passion librarians have for digging into a puzzle, memorable for later when I advised a few grad students at another university who did not even make use of their reference librarians (“answering questions is what they live for!”).

Alice was key in tracking down the oldest lead in my still unfound quest for the true research sources of the expression that “humans process information from images 60000 times faster than text” (it’s a ruse).

And this reminds me that I have to ask her a question again.

Indeed @geonz Librarians Rock!

Via email from someone here in OEG Connect mentioned this beautiful line “Appreciation promotes open education” – when this person sharing this post internally to their college, they got a response from a colleague who responded:

I didn’t know this was in existence. Just a note of appreciation for all and what you do to promote open education.

Small acts of appreciation do go a long way.

Never too late to thank a librarian, and I have so many names in mind!
Let me start with @Mira Marta Bustillo, Tetiana Kolesnykova, Sylvia Moes, Peter Vedal Utnes, Kris Meen, Monique Schoutsen, and continue with Claudia Hackl, Kathryn Briggs, Nataša Dakić, Nick Sheppard, Evi Tramantza, Zuzana Stozicka, Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła, @Lambo… the list can go on and on.

Some of them work more behind the curtains, some others can be seen sometimes, somewhere.
All of them teach me daily new things I can make mine to be a better practitioner.

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Here here and hear! I just found in Mastodon a fantastic audio clip of @Mira describing what she does. Listen in!

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