:sync: The Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN): Engaging Doctoral Research with Openness

Authors: Martin Weller, Rob Farrow, Beck Pitt, Francisco Iniesto
Institution: The Open University
Country: United Kingdom

Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Facilitating int cooperation
Session Format: Workshop


This workshop will be led by the Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) team (http://go-gn.net/). GO-GN is a network of PhD candidates around the world whose research projects include a focus on open education. These doctoral researchers are at the core of the network while around them, experts, supervisors, mentors and interested parties connect to form a community of practice. Considering the growth of open research and the commitment of research funders to follow this approach, there is a need to understand what open research practices imply. This involves understanding the benefits and challenges of making research more visible to increase impact and opportunities for collaboration with other researchers when doing a PhD and when pursuing a career in academia.

The workshop will focus on introducing the network possibilities for PhD students, including worldwide support to those researching in the different areas of open education. We will expose the values of the network promoting equity and inclusion in the field of open education research and introduce the different types of events we host such as an annual face-to-face workshop and online events. As well, we will discuss the support for alumni and members with a funded fellowship scheme and the acknowledgement of our members’ achievements through our annual awards. At the second part of the workshop, we will have a practical exercise with the audience to promote the co-authoring of research publications with our members. Two examples of those which will be disclosed are the research methods handbook, awarded with the 2020 Open Education Award for Excellence Winner, and the Research Review Summer 2020.


Doctoral research, community of practice, open practices

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Prior to our workshop you may like to attend the session Open Education Research: Methodology Insights from the Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) on Monday where Robert Farrow will present an overview of the Global OER Graduate Network research methods handbook. The handbook has been awarded this year with the Open Research Award: GO-GN Research Methods Handbook

You may enjoy several recordings by Rob from our GO-GN webinars exploring the co-authoring of research publications with our members:

If for any reason you don’t know about GO-GN you may find interesting this presentation from Martin Weller at OER20: GO-GN: Building an open education research community and find plenty of information about us in our GO-GN website.

We are looking forward to seeing you at this workshop.


Recording of the session:

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