:async: Visions and Strategies of Open Education at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)

Authors: Tong-Yu Hsieh, Chih-Lung Tsai, Tsui-Peng Lin, Chung-Yin Tsai
Institution: National Sun Yat-sen University
Country: Taiwan

Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Inclusive OER
Session Format: Poster


In our video, we introduce our visions for open education. Several strategies to facilitate carrying out our visions are also described. These are associated with teaching and learning performance, active learning and supports for teachers and students at NSYSU.


open education, MOOCs, online learning

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Like the idea of getting the students to have an active role in building their knowledge database.

Thank you for the appreciation. We believe this is the key to make students have high learning motivation, and thereby high learning performance.