Visual Metaphor Challenge 2: At Home Digitally

We liked the responses to our first OEG Connect Visual Metaphor Challenge where we asked for images that suggested the concept of Meaningful Connection. That’s still open, but we wanted to give you a chance to try a new one.

Photographers are welcome to submit their own original photos. You are also welcome to use open license collections like Creative Commons, Pixabay, Unsplash , etc. But go beyond the first results, the typical cliché type images. Try to find something more unique.

No matter how you get an image aim to include good practices of attribution, TASL - Title, Author, Source (url), and License. If it’s your own photo, that’s the source but still declare your license to share under.

And consider going the extra mile- explain your search strategy or your inspiration for an original photo. What’s the story behind the image?

Are you ready for the second OEG Connect Visual Metaphor?

Over the last few months of doing everything we can to flatten the COVID-19 curve, most of us have been spending more time at home, now it’s where we work too. What makes for a conducive digital home space? or what makes for a home like space online? Share an image that represents to idea of At Home, Digitally.

Try to avoid cliché icons of houses or the posed laptops on wooden table tops. Scroll deeper into the results or try alternative keywords if searching.

I liked the relaxed feel of this Unsplash photo by NIck Turner shared under an Unsplash license. The laptop is less prominent, compared to the dog.


I used Google Image search on terms laptop living room with the setting to restrict to results Labeled For Reuse. I spotted this image on which is labeled Creative Commons CC0. This site harvests from other photo sites, so I did one more reverse image search to locate it under the creators name on Unsplash.

Let’s see what kind of “at home, digitally” images you can share.