We Can Nominate It!

We’ve called out Rosie the Nominator to help campaign for more nominations for this year’s OE Awards for Excellence. Can we do it? Yes, We can do it.


Help out by sharing people, projects, and practice deserving of a 2023 Award for Excellence. Explore this year’s categories (look for links to be inspired by) and the hall of fame of past winners back to 2011.

Let’s not only Do It, but let’s also generate a record number of nominations this year. Get all the info for nominations.

:spiral_calendar: The deadline for dominations is June 30, 2023
:page_facing_up: The shortlist of finalists is published August 30, 2023
:trophy: Winners announced September 13
:earth_asia: Showcase for all winners at OEGlobal 2023, Oct 16-8

Let’s see a huge pile of nominations!