As you can see the arms are outstreched welcoming visitors as they pass in front of it by foot, by bicycle or by boat. The pole was carved by Master Carver Darren Yelton whose Squamish ancestral name means ‘he who works to shape the future of the people.’
In the spirit of that pole I welcome all of you to the Open Education Global 2021 conference and invite you to come together to shape the future of all people through open education.
I discovered these welcoming figures at Burgoyne Bay on Salt Spring Island between Vancouver Island and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I was on my way to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria in 2019.
Thank you for the welcome Paul.
Nice video.
Arriving late because of work commitments but… “mieux vaut tard que jamais”.
Looking forward to the next few days.
Best regards
Great that you are able to join us @paul.blackman. So fascinating to see how things have evolved since our time together at the Creative Commons Institute for Open Leadership. Congrats on your active contributions to this field. Much appreciated.
You are very welcome Paul. I have been fortunate to make contact with leaders in the field like yourself who have been an inspiration and a great help. Keep up the good work.