Who is coming to OEG 2020?

Hi, @Beat1 .
Congrats on the meaningful and important work you are doing.

And thanks for your interest in presenters focused on primary/secondary schools.
We have a whole track this year dedicated to that. Here’s how to filter the program to see all the sessions in the primary/secondary track.

If you click Program in the red navbar at the top of the OEG Connect space it takes you to the OE Global 2020 Schedule. The top of the schedule has an area that looks like this:

If you click on All topics a dropdown menu appears. One of the options is “Connecting Open Education to Primary and Secondary (K-12) Education”. If you choose that option it will list all of the sessions related to primary and secondary education. If you click on any of the sessions listed it will take you to the unique area in the conference space for that session where a full description of the session can be found and where you can click reply and ask a question or introduce yourself to the people doing the session. We see this as providing a forum for saying hi and expressing interest in advance of the session and where discussion and dialogue after the session can continue.

In addition my Open Education Global colleague, Kristina Ishmael, who leads our work in primary and secondary education, has created a K-12/Primary & Secondary topic in the Convo and Collab area of the conference. All those interested in primary and secondary are encouraged to meet-up and connect with Kristina and each other there. Please be sure to leave a reply post introducing yourself, describing your primary and secondary work, and expressing interest in connecting with others.

We’re pleased to be highlighting, supporting, and celebrating primary and secondary open education in this way. Hope you find it useful and make lots of connections.

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