For my July 13 Summer Open Pedagogy Adventure live session (Register to attend), I offer no slides, but lots of links!
Why is H5P of interest for OER?
Find out how to access all you need for a summer open pedagogy adventure with H5P waiting for you in OEG Connect. What we do in this session is up to you-- we can explore examples of how other educators are creating interactive practice activities in their OER, experiment with remixing existing H5P content, or start building your own interactivity from scratch.
If you do not have access to an LMS enabled with H5P or a Pressbooks platform, create a demo account at and/or download the desktop authoring tool from Plus get a sneak peak into the soon to be available H5P Content Hub.
Remixed H5P logo with Sidewalk Mystery flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
An Unimpressive Demo
Reuse (download), Rights, Embed, Feedback.
What’s inside? H5P as self contained media
- Most all you need
- My context
- A Branching Scenario That Might Break the Boat
- The H5P Kitchen (BCcampus)
- Cooking and Spicing Up OERs with H5P (Arizona OER Conference Workshop)
The H5P Open Pedagogy Summer Adventure
Let’s do them together…
- 0.0 Choose Your H5P Adventure Level
- 1.0 Before Grabbing Tools, See What They Can Do
- Explore
- Take any Pressbooks url and tack on
e,g, start with
and see what happens - Lifted from How to Scout for H5P Examples
- 2.0 Where to Make H5P?
- 3.0 Start From Scratch or Remix?
- 4.0 Pick Up a First Tool and Go
- 5.0 ?? Tell us where to go!