Catherine Cronin (National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching, Learning in Higher Education)
Since March 2020, when every teacher became an online teacher and every student a distance learner, interest in using open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) in teaching and learning has increased noticeably. Ample evidence, over many years, has shown the potential value of OER and OEP for designing authentic assessments, building/adapting textbooks, developing digital/data literacies, fostering student-staff partnership, and furthering equity. However, as the UNESCO (2019) ‘Recommendation on OER’ makes clear, supporting the creation, use and adaptation of inclusive and quality OER requires coordinated action in multiple areas.
Ireland's National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education has, since its inception in 2013, supported open education principles, practices and policies in Irish higher education – recognising that this requires the development of open capabilities at multiple levels: individual, programme, institutional and national. Inspired by the UNESCO OER recommendation, and following publication of national OER/OEP guides in 2019 and 2020, the National Forum published a new national resource in 2021: ‘Using OER and OEP for Teaching and Learning’. The aim of the resource is to be relevant to those who teach and those who learn in Irish higher education and to complement and support open education initiatives already in place within institutions. Through consultation across the sector, diverse representation on the development team, a staged development process, and using a permissive open license (CC BY), it is hoped that the resource will be useful to all who learn, teach, support and lead in Irish higher education, and beyond. This session will share the new resource and Ireland's national approach to building open capabilities, as well as invite feedback and suggestions.
National Forum (2021). Supporting open education.
UNESCO. (2019). Recommendation on OER.
Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_87.pdf 📄
Presentation Details
UNESCO OER Action Area: Building capacity
Format: Pre-recorded Presentation
Language: English
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