Building Stakeholder Capacity for OER Use and Creation Through a Multi-Tiered, System-Wide Faculty Development Plan for Open Education at Penn State University :sync:

Bryan McGeary (Pennsylvania State University), Christina Riehman-Murphy (Pennsylvania State University)

This presentation will provide an overview of the plan that we created at Penn State University for open education initiatives aimed at faculty engagement and professional development. In recent years, Penn State has piloted a number of separate initiatives aimed at informing faculty about open education and helping them to use and create open educational resources. The University Open and Affordable Educational Resources (OAER) Working Group wanted to take lessons learned from these experiences and combine them with ideas based on open education initiatives happening elsewhere in order to develop long-term strategic support for services across Penn State’s 25 residential campuses and World Campus. In order to help achieve that goal, we created a plan for faculty engagement and professional development initiatives that would be scalable across the entire Penn State system.

To create that faculty development plan, we undertook a process that involved inventorying our existing programs and resources; reviewing strategic plans at the university, campus, and University Libraries levels for connections to open education; conducting a SWOT analysis of open education at Penn State and faculty development in support of OER at Penn State; identifying models for faculty development at peer institutions to find ideas for improvement or new programs that we could implement; creating faculty personas in order to better understand the range of needs that our faculty have pertaining to open education; and mapping our existing and aspirational programs to those needs. From this, we were able to generate a map of various faculty development programs (both new and continuing) that we would like to move forward with at Penn State. This map identifies the logistical characteristics and human, technical, and financial resources involved in each of those programs, and it indicates where they are aligned with our working group’s goals and faculty needs that we have identified throughout the process. It also discusses next steps, specifically concerns related to scalability and potential timelines for implementation. In order to help others in undertaking similar projects, we will detail our process and share an openly licensed Open Education Faculty Development Program Planning Guide that we developed.

Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_123.pdf 📄

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UNESCO OER Action Area: Building capacity

Language: English

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