Digital Competencies and Faculty Adoption of OER at a Minority-Serving Institution in the United States [ID 73]

Digital Competencies and Faculty Adoption of OER at a Minority-Serving Institution in the United States [ID 73]

Fostering faculty participation in adopting Open Educational Resources can be challenging when faculty lack full competency in digital literacy. Digital literacy is a pillar of UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals and integral to the adoption of OER. Creating resources and training to provide faculty comfort in learning digital literacy can help in the buy-in and adoption of OER. This requires collaboration in a variety of areas across campus and identification of people who can teach these skills in multiple areas.

This presentation will focus on how to use public relations tactics to create buy-in among faculty members that promotes institutional spread of digital literacy and OER across a small, non-profit minority-serving institution in the United States.


Author Keywords
Digital competence, Public Relations, Open Educational Practices, Open Educational Strategies

Session Details

:clipboard: Format: Panel Discussion
:busts_in_silhouette: Presenter(s): Dr. Kay L. Colley, APR, Meagan Morris
:clock1: Brisbane Time: November 13, 2:40 PM → 3:10 PM AEST
:globe_with_meridians: Your Local Time:
:round_pushpin: Room: P4
:bookmark: Topic Area: Digital Capability,Artificial Intelligence
:link: Sched: View in conference schedule


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Great approaches for building attention and interest