Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Learning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Framework aims to serve a dual purpose: to act as a practical ‘how-to’ guide for implementing AI and to provide a strategic roadmap that outlines the development, deployment, management, and evaluation of AI in the context of digital learning. It encompasses a suite of guidelines that includes protocols, standards, and practices, all tailored to the unique requirements of all educational sectors. It is structured to deliver concrete steps and methodologies for AI integration, ensuring that schools, universities, and training institutions can navigate the transition to AI effectively and implement ethical and responsible use.
The framework can be accessed here:


Greetings Fatimah and OEGlobal Connect welcomes you and the National eLearning Center of Saudi Arabia. We hope you continue sharing here and being part of the conversations in this community

The Framework document is extremely comprehensive and I have just starting reading it.

We like seeing its references to the guidelines on AI use in education and sustainable development goals. I do ask if the framework is shared under any kind of open license so others can benefit from it?

I hope others who are working on AI frameworks in other parts of the world can add some comments?

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Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad to hear that you’re finding the framework useful.
Yes, the framework is indeed open source and shared under a license, so others can benefit and contribute as well. We’re excited to see global collaboration on AI frameworks, and we encourage input from all corners of the world!

If you require any further details, you may contact me directly :slight_smile: