Future Trends Forum: How can we best teach with AI?

Not that we are everything AI around here, just that we are looking out for key events like the Future Trends Forum series hosted by Bryan Alexander.

This week the Future Trends Forum is delighted to host Jose Bowen, professor, jazz musician, author, president, and now co-author co-author with C. Edward Watson of the new book Teaching with AI: a Practical Guide to the New Era of Human Learning (Johns Hopkins University Press).

I plan on asking Jose Bowen about the best ways of using AI in college teaching. How can we engage AI pedagogically while avoiding its pitfalls and problems?

More importantly, you will have the chance to ask your own questions. After all, the way the Forum works is that all attendees can ask our guests questions, engage and collaborate with other leaders in education technology, and also invite friends and colleagues to join.

:calendar: When: 2024-06-06T18:00:00Z2024-06-06T19:00:00Z
:tv: Watch/RSVP in Shindig: https://shindig.com/login/event/bowenandwatson