As the person monitoring new accounts here, I’ve seen noticeable uptick in people joining the OEG Connect space. So a big hello to those who have just joined this week
and of course to the more than 1700 people who have been here a bit longer.
We ought to say “Welcome” more often! Whether you are newly joined or not, it would help to hear from you. Please let us know know more about yourself with a short intro! Just reply below and maybe include:
What is the usual way in the place you live to say hello?
Let us know your name, what part of the world you live in, what organization / institution you work for.
Why / how is open education important to your work?
Share one personal experience where you benefited or experienced something unexpected from an act of openness.
What would you like to get out of this community space? How did you discover it?
or anything else you want to share or ask from the community here. The more that it’s people other than me posting, the better.
Here’s the welcome sign! A real genuine photograph, nothing generated by AI
Thank you for the welcome message! I like to say Hi or Hello. My name is Greg. I live in Sacramento, California and work for Cosumnes River College.
Open education is important to me because using a zero-cost textbook means that my students have one less thing to worry about as they plan their budgets and spending. As a professor I benefit because it is easier to be inspired by what other teachers do when they have shared their materials through open licenses. I most recently benefited from openness when a colleague shared some of the work he did on his Ph.D. dissertation and encouraged me to use some of that same work in my teaching.
I discovered this space through my work with the CCCOER’s OFAR project, which I was privileged to participate in last academic year as a team leader. I am always learning and hope that I can contribute to the good work being done in this space.
I dunno, I’d like to see more posting of topics, it feels often like me blabbing. And Discourse is both wonderful and bewildering. I have some inklings of some new approaches to onboarding/reboarding. And in general the larger fragmentation of energy makes it uphill.
Success? Quiet nagging, asking people directly to contribute, participate works more than big announcementy type posts. Also, having a start when we did online conferences, e.g. creating a reason for people to make accounts, helps get a level of participants. e.g. having a reason for them to bother.
I am Nawaraj Ghimire from Nepal and work in Tribhuvan Univerrsity as a faculty. My teaching and research focus on ICT education, and I am actively engaged with the Open Knowledge. Also active wikipedia contributer and outreach also I am searchin PHD guide Professor telated int e-learning / Education technology. I am enjoying Travel and reading books
Greetings to you in Nepal from my location in central Canada and kind welcome to this space, Nawaraj.
We shall be eager to learn more about your efforts in open knowledge at Tribhuvan University (I am on my first visit via the web site).
If you are looking for guidance with your PhD program, this is a great space to ask. A possible relevant resource is Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN).
Hello and welcome, Greg. What subjects to you teach at Cosumnes River College?
And we appreciate hearing about your experience with OFAR- we are looking to create a community of practice here for participants, so you are one step ahead.
Hello Namaskar , I ma working on Sanothimi Campus a part of Tribhuvan University , TU one wings Open and Distance Education eforts Open Knowladge also as my campus also Encraguage OER resources for our course curriculum.
My favorate travel location Pokhara in Nepal and Paris but I enjyo to explore new place.
Also, welcome to @SusanneGrimm! We’ve already been talking about the return of the OER World Map here. Jump into the conversation and let us know what’s happening with this much-missed resource!